Where to start

Hello, I hope you all are having a fantastic day. This is the first of hopefully many newsletter emails. I'm starting this to help new and experienced crew get the information they need and also some helpful tips and tricks along the way. If there are any particular topics in the yachting industry you would like to see covered, please respond to this email!

Fact of the day.

According to the SuperYacht Times ‘The State of Yachting 2022’ report, as of the end of 2021, there were 5,396 yachts over 30m / 98ft in operation. In addition, there are also around 92 super yachts out of service, while about 202 super yachts have been completely lost since 1945.

In today’s email

  • Where to start

  • Recent news

So you want to join the yachting industry!

With the continued growth of the industry and word of mouth spreading far and wide, it’s no wonder there is an influx of young, starry-eyed individuals looking to join in on the fun. You have gotten this far, you have watched Below Deck, and now you are wondering where to start. Don’t worry, I have you covered.

Step 1: Planning

Now, this isn’t always everyone’s cup of tea, but one of the best skills to have in the yachting industry is the ability to plan and then follow that plan. Before you get on a plane and fly to some island or country in the Mediterranean you have never heard of to go dock walking, there are many things you should consider. I will save you the time and give you the top points.

Your goal, Now, this doesn’t have to be something huge. It can be as simple as getting a job on a yacht by the end of the year. But it's important, as it gives you a timeline and roadmap to follow.

Requirements to reach your goal.

  • what certificates do you need? STCW and ENG 1 are the bare minimum requirements for the majority of yachts.

  • What are the visa requirements for the area you intend to work? (Visa checker)

  • Accommodation while on the job hunt, many opt for crew housing for cheap accommodation and leads on jobs but be wary as you can easily fall into the drinking and partying trap.

  • Budget,The killer of fun but the right tool to stay afloat while applying for jobs. Having a budget for up to three months while you are applying will take a lot of stress off your shoulders and allow you to put your best foot forward during daily work and interviews.. (Budget templates)

  • Have a CV! even if you have zero experience on yachts there are many transferable skills that employers are looking for such as skills in, painting, power tools, experience in a service based role, cleaning/detailing etc. (CV templates)

  • Make a profile on (Yotspot)

  • Sign up with crew agencies.

  • Join Yachting Facebook groups.

Step 2: Execute

Okay, so you have done all of that. Now what, you ask? Now is the time for action! The time for following that said plan. Apply as much as you can, take as many interviews and day work as you can get, and build up from there. If the job asks for a cover letter, write one! If they want you to catch a train to meet in person, do it! You will find you already have a massive advantage getting on a boat if you're the one willing to put in the hard work. Be flexible, be on time, and work hard. Your future self will thank you.

Step 3: success

You get the call you have been eagerly waiting for, all your hard work has paid off. What to do next? Follow along and find out.

Recent news:

Coswop Has been updated! The new issue was released on the 28th of March, 2024. Why should you read it, you ask? The code of safe working practices, like OSHA, is written in blood. Accidents happen, and you can bet it's already discussed in both, so it's best to pay attention to the details. It's not the most invigorating read, but a lot of valuable information can be learned.

Last month in key Biscayne, a 15 year old girl tragically lost her life in a boating accident. The article is linked here. So much can be learned from this unfortunate accident. Safety above all else must be prioritised. (Wake boarding safety)

This weeks to-do list

  1. Create a Yotspot account

  2. Read 10 pages from COSWOP

  3. Create a monthly budget

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