
Hello, I hope you all are having a fantastic day. This is the third of hopefully many newsletter emails. I'm starting this to help new and experienced crew get the information they need and also some helpful tips and tricks along the way. If there are any particular topics in the yachting industry you would like to see covered, please respond to this email!

fact of the day

The 24 to 45-meter yacht segment is expected to grow at a CAGR of 5% until 2027

In today’s email

  • Having successful interviews

  • Recent news


Congratulations on embarking on your yachting adventure! Here are 10 essential tips to help you find and ace those yacht crew interviews:

  1. Polish Your Resume & Portfolio: Craft a compelling resume highlighting relevant skills and experiences. Tailor it for each position, and include a portfolio showcasing your achievements (photos, certificates). Use Canva templates to help build the best CV possible.

  2. Research & Network: Research your desired role. Attend industry events, connect with crew on social media platforms like LinkedIn, Instagram, yotspot, and build your network.

  3. Crew Training & Certifications: Invest in essential training courses and certifications relevant to your desired department (deck, interior, or engineering).

  4. Master Common Interview Questions: Prepare for anticipated interview questions about your experience,skills, and motivations for a yachting career. Practice your answers to ensure clarity and confidence.

  5. Research the Yacht: Before the interview, research the specific yacht and area of operation. Demonstrate genuine interest and knowledge of the vessel.

  6. Dress Professionally: First impressions matter. Dress professionally, neatly, and appropriately for a yachting environment. If you are working after the interview, bring a change of clothes, especially if you will be working outside in the sun!

  7. Positive Attitude & Enthusiasm: Project a positive attitude, enthusiasm, and willingness to learn. Show your passion for the yachting lifestyle and desire to contribute to the crew.

  8. Be Punctual & Prepared: Punctuality is crucial. Arrive early, prepared with a notepad, pen, and copies of your resume. If you are day working after the interview bring a packed lunch and water! This shows your ability to plan and think ahead.

  9. Ask Insightful Questions: Prepare thoughtful questions about the role, the crew dynamic, and the yacht's operations. This demonstrates your genuine interest and initiative.

  10. Follow Up with a Thank You Email: After the interview, send a thank-you email to the interviewer(s) reiterating your interest in the position and your qualifications. if more than a week has past without a response, follow up with another email!

Bonus Tip: Be patient and persistent. Finding the right yacht takes time and effort. Keep applying, networking, and learning, and your dream yachting job awaits!

Stay tuned! over the next couple of weeks the next few newsletters will be focused on specific roles and a road map to success!

Recent news

This weeks to-do list

  • Build a CV on Canva 

  • Prepare three insightful questions you will ask on your next interview

  • Have a practice interview with a family member or friend.

Which department has the most fun!

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