Fire safety on yachts

Hello, I hope you all are having a fantastic day. This week’s newsletter brings you the latest industry news and essential insights for yacht crew. Stay informed on the evolving superyacht landscape, discover valuable training resources, and gain expert advice to elevate your career. Let’s dive in!

fact of the day

  • Luxury yachts provide employment for 148,000 to 163,000 people

In today’s email

  • Fire safety

  • Recent news

Fire prevention

With many yachts burning down in the last two months, it’s now more important than ever to review and improve fire safety onboard. Everyone is responsible for making improvements. But what am I going to do, you ask? Everyone can adopt small habits to improve safety, like unplugging chargers at night. Something so simple could save your life. Here So let’s dive in to a list of simple changes that can improve safety for all onboard.

General Awareness and Precautions

  • Regular Drills: Familiarize yourself with emergency procedures and participate in regular fire drills.

  • Know Your Surroundings: Understand the location of fire extinguishers, escape routes, and assembly points.

  • Report Hazards: Immediately report any potential fire hazards, such as electrical faults, leaking fluids, or smoking areas.

  • Mindful Smoking: If smoking is permitted, always use designated areas and properly dispose of cigarette butts.

  • Kitchen Safety: Be cautious when using the galley, avoid leaving cooking unattended, and ensure proper ventilation.  

  • Electrical Safety: Avoid overloading electrical outlets and avoid using damaged or frayed cords.

Personal Belongings

  • Fire-Resistant Materials: Store flammable items like linens, curtains, and mattresses in designated areas.

  • Cleanliness: Regularly clean up spills and debris, especially in areas with potential ignition sources.

  • Charging Devices: Use chargers and power banks in designated areas and unplug them when not in use.

  • Storage: Keep combustible materials away from heat sources and ensure proper storage of cleaning chemicals.

Common Causes of Fires on Yachts

Fires on yachts can be devastating, but understanding their common causes can help prevent them. Here are some of the most frequent culprits:

Engine Room Fires

  • Fuel leaks: A small leak can ignite when exposed to hot engine components.  

  • Electrical faults: Overheated wiring or faulty components can spark fires.  

  • Overheating engines: Lack of cooling water or other mechanical issues can lead to overheating and ignition.

Galley Fires

  • Unattended cooking: Leaving food unattended on a stove can cause grease fires.

  • Flammable materials near the stove: Towels or curtains near the stove can ignite.  

  • Gas leaks: Faulty gas connections or appliances can lead to explosions.

Electrical Fires

  • Overloaded circuits: Using too many electrical devices on one circuit can cause fires.  

  • Faulty wiring: Damaged or worn wiring can spark.

  • Batteries: Improper charging or handling of batteries can lead to fires.

Other Causes

  • Smoking materials: Carelessly discarded cigarettes or cigars can ignite fires.  

  • Combustible materials: Storing flammable materials in inappropriate places can increase the risk.

Recent news

This weeks to-do list

  1. Check all your chargers for damage

  2. Check your electrical devises are safety certified

  3. Reflect on your normal routine and look for improvements with fire safety in mind.

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